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Read Write Inc. – Phonics

Read Write Inc. - Phonics

At Waltham St Lawrence Primary School we teach synthetic phonics throughout the school. We primarily follow Read Write Inc. Scheme but use many other resources to support our teaching. It aims for children to develop fluent word reading skills and have good foundations in spelling by the end of key Stage 1. Your child’s class teacher will be able to tell you which phase they are working in. The teaching of phonics begins in Reception, using Read Write Inc. phonics to introduce sounds to the children. Children will then learn further sounds in line with the Programme. In order to support children to make the most progress in phonics, they are organised into groups from EYFS, Year 1 through to Year 3. Regular assessment is carried out and these groups remain fluid to ensure that children can move between groups as needed. Phonics is taught to children in Years 4, 5 and 6 where needed.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

In 2011-2012 the government introduced the statutory checking of phonics for Year 1 children. The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check is a national check of children’s phonic knowledge that all children in England are required to complete. The check comprises of a mixture of real and nonsense words which children have to decode/read. The check takes place at the end of year 1.