Together We Inspire and Achieve

SEND – Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Inclusion Coordinator: Kathy Jones 

Email: [email protected] 

At Waltham St. Lawrence Primary School we aim to provide an inclusive education in which all children are encouraged and supported to achieve their full potential. We believe all children have individual needs, strengths and talents which should be met through a challenging, enjoyable and enriched curriculum. Quality teaching is an essential element in this, along with the recognition that some children will require additional or adapted provision at some point on their learning journey. Provision for these children is supported by the school’s Inclusion Coordinator. 

SEND Information Report and Local Offer

Inclusion within RBWM

We support the Windsor and Maidenhead Inclusion Charter. 

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM)’s Local Offer brings together information about services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families, helping you to see what services are available and how to access them. 

The Local Offer provides information on services for 0-25 year olds across Education, Health, Social Care, Education, Health and Care Plans, Short Breaks, Transport, Leisure and Preparation for Adulthood (16-25 section). You can also find information about advice and support available for families. Please click the above link to access the website. 

SEND Code of Practice

Waltham St. Lawrence Primary School follows the SEN Code of Practice which includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people as well as though with special education needs (SEN). 

Advice and support links