Together We Inspire and Achieve


Parents are welcome and the school has an open-door policy. This means that we are always available if you have anything you wish to discuss with us. However prior notice will ensure that the person you wish to see is able to give you the time you need.

Parents’ Evenings are an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher. They take place during the autumn during and in the spring term. At the end of the school year you will receive a written report detailing the progress your child has made during the year and you are welcome to make an appointment to discuss this with your
child’s teacher. During Term 6 an Open Evening is held when you and your child will be able to look at the work they have done over the year.

Each term parents are invited into School to attend a Family Assembly at which the children have an opportunity to show some of the work they have been doing in school. In Term 1 this takes the form of a Harvest Festival Service in the Church and in Term 2 the whole school Carol Service and EYFS / KS1 Nativity Play also takes place in the Church.

We welcome your help too. Please come in and listen to readers or help in the classroom if you wish to. However in line with our Safeguarding Policy you need to be aware that volunteer helpers must undertake a DBS check.