Together We Inspire and Achieve

The School Day

The New School Day and lesson times as from September 2023 onwards are as follows:

 Monday –Friday 
School Gates Open8.30amPupils go straight to their Classrooms for Morning Challenge
Start of School Day8.40amRegister and Morning Challenge cont.
1st Lesson8.50amCore Subject
2nd Lesson9.50amCore Subject
Morning Break10.50amHealthy Snack – Fruit and Vegetable only
3rd Lesson11.05amCore/Foundation Subject
Lunch Break12.00/12.05pmFreshly cooked hot lunch or packed lunch 1 hour lunch break for Years EYFS to 2 and 55 minutes for Years 3 to 6
4th Lesson1.00pmFoundation Subjects/Topic Work
5th Lesson1.55pmFoundation Subjects/Topic Work
Assembly1.10pm/2.40pmValues/ Singing/ Celebration
End of School Day3.10pmPupils are dismissed on the playground

Total Hours

Waltham St Lawrence Primary School has a 6 hour 30 minute school day. This equates to a 32 hour 30 minute week, this is a typical school week of minimum 32.5 hours as expected by DfE.

Extended School Service

We also provide Extended School Service to support working parents:

  • Breakfast Club (Monday to Friday): 7.45-8.30am 
  • After School CARE Club (Monday-Thursday): 3.10-6.00pm

Start of the Day

The school is open to pupils from 8.30am. Pupils are expected to be on site by 8.35am to ensure theyhave enough time to get to their classrooms for their Morning Learning and Challenge. The morning register is taken promptly at 8.40am when the bell rings. All lessons will start promptly thereafter.


All pupils are expected to attend an assembly in the school hall on Mondays and Wednesdays focused on our Values themes and songs, and on Fridays for whole school celebration of children’s learning and achievements.

Extra Curricular Activities / End of the Day

While the school day officially ends at 3.10pm, this also signals the start of extra curricula activities which take place on site every day throughout the year. The full extra curricula programme will be published at the start of each big term i.e. Term 1 in September, Term 3 in January and Term 5 in April/May. All pupils will be encouraged to sign up to at least one after school extra curricular club.

Parents should ensure the Class Teacher knows who will collect their child via the School Office.

School Environment

The School environment is made as safe, secure, stimulating and interesting as possible. The apparatus,books and equipment are always chosen with great care in the belief that only the best is good enough for your children.