Together We Inspire and Achieve

Whole School Curriculum Overviews

Design and Technology (DT)

Children undertake a range of design and technology projects, usually linked to their theme / topic. They are encouraged to develop the skills required for designing and making and are made aware of technology in our environment. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview DT


In Geography, children are given the opportunity to investigate the features of their local surroundings as well as questioning why environments change. In their work they develop their knowledge and understanding of places, rivers and settlements and are encouraged to develop mapping skills. Off-site visits and activities support the development of geographical skills. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview Geography


Through this subject children are encouraged to develop an understanding of the changing world and the influence of the past. They learn about important episodes and developments in the past and develop skills of historical chronology, knowledge and understanding, interpretation, enquiry, organisation and communication. Where possible, links are made with other curriculum subjects and where appropriate children visit sites of historical interest to use primary sources and artefacts. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview History


Mandarin is taught throughout the school from Reception to Year 6. Children are taught basic vocabulary and are encouraged to speak confidently in Mandarin. We also organise extracurricular activities or Language Week or Day from time to time to encourage children’s participation in other languages e.g. French, Italian, Greek etc involving teachers, parents or volunteers. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview Mandarin


In our Music teaching we aim to develop an awareness and appreciation of sound and rhythm. Children learn to perform through singing and playing instruments and they learn about music through listening and discussion. These skills are developed in class Music lessons but our children also have other musical opportunities. Our Year 3/4 children in Skylarks Class are taught to play a different instrument or sing as part of the Berkshire Maestros Wider opportunities scheme. 

We follow online Music Curriculum Scheme: Charango online resources 

Rocksteady Music offer music lessons in school and children learn different music instruments and play in a band plus vocal. 

Musical instrument tuition is also taught in school by Berkshire Maestros. Currently we also offer tuition from Berkshire Maestros teachers in: guitar, clarinet and flute. Please speak to the School Office if you are interested in music lessons. 

Physical Education (PE)

As a school we place great value on physical activity. 

Throughout the curriculum our children cover six elements of the PE curriculum. These comprise: gymnastics, dance, games, swimming, athletics and outdoor adventurous activities. 

Year 2 children have their swimming lessons taught by swimming instructors at Windsor Leisure Centre in Term 5 and 6 each year. A wide variety of extra-curricular clubs also run such as Netball, Football, and multi-sports and Yoga. Our Year 5/6 children undertake outdoor adventurous activities off-site at the Osmington Bay PGL Activities Centre near Dorset. 

We are a member of Ascot and Maidenhead School Sport Partnership, therefore every year children in Red Kites, Year 4/5 take part in Dance Festival organised by AMSP. 

We have school teams who compete in local leagues and specialist coaches who work with our children and staff to ensure physical education is of the highest standard. 

The school has an Adventure Playground which provides a range of outdoor activities within PE lessons and at break and lunch times. Sports Day is held in Term 6 each year and this provides the opportunity for children to compete in their House Groups. 

Through all our activities we endeavour to nurture positive attitudes to health and fitness as well as to develop a Growth Mindset and self-esteem, confidence and interpersonal skills. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview PE

Religious Education (RE)

Our teaching of RE follows Berkshire Agreed Syllabus. Through it the children develop a knowledge and understanding of Christianity and all the major Christian festivals as well as other main world religions. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview RE


Science is all around us! At Waltham St Lawrence Primary School we believe that scientific investigation is one of the most powerful ways to learn; developing curiosity and perseverance as well as challenging what we know about the world. We aim to make science as practical as possible, linking it to real life contexts and giving a meaning to our learning. 

Science lessons are open ended and practical in nature, allowing children to use a wide range of resources to lead the learning and make their own discoveries. Lessons aren’t just limited to the classroom… we make use of our incredible outdoor facilities including the field and playground in order to maximise the children’s learning experiences. This allows children to develop the key skills of investigation, problem solving and team work; empowering children to question the world around them and become scientific thinkers. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview Science